[CLOSED] Hiring a Map Developer

Gamesphere studios is an upcoming studio team who looks to set a standard in life/driving based games. We are currently working on a game called Redwood County which has shown high interest from diverse audiences. Redwood County is a UK-based suburban driving game orientated in Emergency Services simulation. Not only this but you can be a postman or a highway worker! The game currently has 2.4m visits in a paid alpha state.

You’ll be working with various teams to create a large-scale UK-based driving map. Using 3D- modelling software, you will be expected to make high quality assets which is optimised for use in Roblox. You will be on a one-time contract at first but we most likely ask to continue other work as a part of the team once the contract has been fulfilled. You will be asked to make a mesh-based map (not strictly) with Roblox terrain where needed. Towns, Villages, and other Hotspots are expected in this map.

  • Easy to work with
  • Transparent communication skills
  • Creativity
  • Effective time and task management
  • Making good use of Roblox tools to elevate your build
  • Being able to follow a specific design style

  • A high-quality game that you’ve built
  • Ability to use microphone in voice calls
  • Good understanding of the Roblox community
  • 16 or over
  • References

  • English speaking
  • 13 or over
  • Portfolio
  • Discord

Base payment is R$1M and is negotiable depending on how the quality and scale of the build turns out to be

For any questions about the job, please contact using the links below or message my account.

Twitter: @GamesphereRBLX

Discord: Alexx…#5524

Group link: Gamesphere - Roblox
Game link: [FREE] UK:RC Redwood County - Roblox


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