[CLOSED] Hiring a Scripter to create a Hand-to-Hand Combat System

About Us

We are the dev team for Ninja Blox 3! The Third Installment to the Ninja Blox Games inspired off Naruto. We’re looking for an experienced scripter who can script a functional and fast-paced hand-to-hand combat system.

The Team
@Higoshi - Project Lead, Scripter, Concept Design
@Asterul - Map Builder
Ham_it - UI and Faces
@vidgamenate - Concept Design and Community Manager
NLAUx @ExpelEmon - Animators
PrimeSensei - Meshes
HikaruVI @AttritionX - Particles

We don’t want to show much but here’s one of the abilities. https://gyazo.com/ae9627ca9b0e285d56ad6672aebe0e70

About The Job

The concepts for the combat system are already laid out. We just need a scripter that can make a fast-paced, semi cinematic and balanced hand-to-hand combat system for our Naruto RPG.
It is preferred if you have knowledge of Naruto!
The Concepts follow

  • A right/left mouse combat system with launching and cinematic combo finishers
  • Aerial attacks
  • Blocking and Countering
  • Running attacks
  • Slamming
    Our Animators can provide animations.

Our game needs to have the core of the combat system done by the 21st of October.


We are Paying 10k-15k for the scripts to be done. Negotiations are available if reasonable.

Contact Us

You can contact vidgamenate on the Developer Forum or contract Higoshi via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/HigoshiRBLX
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thank you for considering working with us! c:


Someone has taken this job, Thanks all for looking anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

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You should change the title to [CLOSED]


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