[CLOSED] Hiring a Scripter

Hiring Scripters

Edit: We have found the talented scripters we are in need for. thank you for all who applied.

About Us

Hey! My name is Killa, I’m an Offsite Developer and UI Designer. Me and some of my friends are working on a new project at remastering an old version of a game known as ‘The Northern Frontier.’ We are looking for a scripter.

The Team
@DiamonTheAccused - UI Designer/Builder
@NotForMeForHer - Scripter/Animator
@killa_agario - Offsite Development/UI Designer
@IncredibleSpyKrab - Terrain Design/Builder
You can see our progress on our game so far here: Discord

About The Job

We are looking for a professional scripter, we are remaking this game from scratch due to copyright problem. More information is in the discord.


We are paying 250 USD maximum for development until its finished. I am not paying, my friend @DiamonTheAccused will be. I am simply posting this due to having access to the DevForum.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum, Discord ,at: Discord, or you can PM me on ROBLOX KillaSoulz - Roblox
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

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Hello. My name is FriendlyBuilder24 and my Discord username and tag is FriendlyBuilder24#2033 I would like to help on this project and be an offical member of the community! Hope I can be accepted!

I’ve sent you a friend request. on Discord my Direct Messages are closed due to the amount of people that would direct message me per day. accept me please and we’ll talk through there.

I applied. My discord is AlsoGold#4848

Sup lad. Im up for it. DM me. You know my discord already.

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