[CLOSED] Hiring a Team of Developers

About Us

Hello, Our team is currently hiring the following roles:

  • Builder (CLOSED)
  • UI Developer

Details about the roles, payments, and contact are below.

I won’t be going into much detail about the game but I will provide a basic rundown of what the game is.

About The Job - Builder

We are looking for a skilled builder who can create a detailed open world map. This map will contain different regions and different terrain. You must be able to create:

  1. Houses
  2. Roads
  3. Detailed Terrain

NOTE: This is a long term position

About The Job - UI Developer

I am looking for a skilled UI Developer to create a User Interface for our game. You must be able to create a UI for the entire game.

NOTE: This is a long term position


You will be paid through a % of the games’ revenue. We can discuss how much you would want to be paid in when you contact me on discord.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or, preferably, via discord; Booter The Pigeon#6565

Or Join our discord: NNKAemK

Thanks for your interest! :slight_smile:

Note: You must be 16+ to apply


This is the wrong category, please edit this topic and select the Public Recruitment category.


I think that not best idea, What if the game won’t be able to make money? That’s bit risky to only offer %.
Also there isn’t anything said about the game.
You should add other payment method, also, add some info about your project. I hope that I helped you. :slight_smile:


Hello im builder and i would like to apply for the job. Ty for replying.


Is UI still available? I’m most experienced with UI then most other positions.


Yes it is, you can contact me through discord.
Booter The Pigeon#6565


Ok I joined your server and DM’d you info about previous work.


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