[CLOSED Hiring an experienced UI designer [ROBUX]

What do we need?

We’re looking for an experienced user interface designer to recreate our whole user-interface for Linebattles they will be doing the following:

You’ll only be doing UI no scripting involved.

  • Squad selection UI
  • Menu UI
  • Team Selection UI
  • Custom leaderboard UI
  • Class Loadout UI

( Examples will be sent in dms )


Depending on quality of work, but you’re look at around 20-40k for the full set.


Send me a friend request and message! ( Please be prepared to send work )



So only for the custom leader board, there isn’t programming required? For everything else the UI designer has to program?

Edited thread. Should of fixed that, apologies.

All good. Can I have some more information about the UI’s needed?

Added you on discord, I can do it.

Please show a UI similar to your style your looking for

The game that you join which is linked pretty much has the style he is looking for.

I am interested in helping out!

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