[CLOSED] Hiring Builder For a Music Store

About the Group

Hello, my name is Paige. I’m a music enthusiast, hoping to bring the culture more into Roblox. I’m sure you’re aware of groups like Bloxxed Hotels, Frappe, Soros, etc. The role playing type. I’m working on starting a group of my own, a music store in fact. This group is called Guitar Center, and is based off the real life one.

About the Job

I am currently looking for a builder who can build me a music store. The instruments aren’t required, just the building. Some things that’ll need to be included is a staff area, check out, different rooms depending on the instrument’s category (audio equipment, strings), outside area (like you spawn outside and walk into the store), and few recording studio spots.

I’m hoping for something in between low poly, and realistic.


I will be paying 5,000 robux for everything & 15% of revenue.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or Discord at Paige#3587.

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I’ll be willing to do this for 3,500R$. I’ll create a build to show you as an example of my style.

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5,000 robux is very low. In my opinion you’re asking for a lot for a very small price.


Agreed, I’m sure you want the music store to be very detailed so the instruments, rooms all look realistic. I do suggest as well bumping the price up in the 5 figures.


Says the instruments are not required. If this job is what I think it is, its a fair price. I got the memo that you just build the building, not including interior.

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Yeah I don’t need the models as I have a friend helping. :slight_smile:

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Could this get taken down for copyright?

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paige makes her own music i think.

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Yeah I do. Plus, it’s not like I’m copying everything.

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I agree, 5 figures is more like it for a build like this.

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For the size of the store you’ve asked for, 5,000 is too little. I’d recommend you pay at least 20,000 robux for this store. It will help attract attention from higher level builders, and will end up giving you a more quality build in the long run.


Aight, I sent you a friend request on discord. Aquaventurer#0537 is my discord :slight_smile:

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I like the idea, pretty unique for Roblox as far as I’m aware. I’d have to agree with others that a job like this warrants a higher price however. Even if it’s only 15’000, it’d be an improvement.


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