About Us
Hello! We are Chick Fil A, a cafe group on Roblox and we are currently at 177 members with 20 members in our discord server.
About The Job
We are looking for a Builder to come make a Training Center for our cafe. This is not a full-time position and just a commission. You will be sent a .rbxm file of our drink machines and food so that you can implement it into the training center. If you need inspiration for the center, look at the SizzleBurger Training Center and then shape it into your own way.
We are paying you a 1-time payment of 2,000 Robux for the build.
Notice: You will only be paid after you make the center and we like it. You will be given a specific game to build it on so that we can avoid being scammed through not being sent the game file. We are willing to pay a small amount of the total upfront if you need it.
Contact Us
You contact me on discord:
ballin like drenn#9427
Thanks for reading!