(CLOSED) Hiring Builder(s)

Hello! Im Untitled_Hooman And Im working on a project and i need builders!
What The Game Is
This Game is Called Sunshine Blvd. And The player Was just elected Mayor. But the town is run down and outdated. So as the player its your job to upgrade your city, do quests earn money by doing jobs for the towns people and more!
What im looking for
Someone who can build An old style town, a boat and a construction site
what ill pay
Ill pay 100-1k robux then 10% long term
Thanks for reading and add me on my discord at :sparkles:Just Jenna#1787
(This is my first forum post lol)


I like the game idea a lot, but it seems kinnda low pay. I understand that your new. A good price would be 10k+. For game revenue if you were only hiring a builder maybe 50%.

Ok! Thank you for the feedback :upside_down_face:


I am interested, will the pay be 1k Robux?

Hello! I am interested as a modeler/Builder!
Discord: T A H A#0571

Yeah! (30 charsssssssssssssss)

Sent. (30 charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

Alright! To me the payment is quite low however it has good potential contact me to discuss further at: BritDev#6015

Ok! ill add you in a min, i have to do a chore real quick

1 Like

Sure! :wink:

(30 charrrrrrrrrrr)

aras#1881 please add me I am intrested

It says your not accepting friends

can you try now? 30 c h a r s .

OK! (30 charsssssssssssssssss)

added (30 charsssssssssssssss)

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