[CLOSED] Hiring Clothing Designer

About Us

Hello! We are Chick Fil A, a cafe group on Roblox and we are currently at 220 members with 24 members in our discord server.

About The Job

We are looking for a Designer to come make merchandise for our group. This is not a full-time position and just a commission. If you need inspiration for the clothes, we can send examples of what we would like to them look like.


We are paying you a 1-time payment of 1,500 Robux for the clothing pieces.
Notice: You will only be paid after you make the clothing and we like it. We are willing to pay a small amount of the total upfront if you need it.

What you will be making:
4 Hoodies
3 Polos
1 MR Shirt

Contact Us

You contact me on discord:

ballin like drenn#9427

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

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