[CLOSED] Hiring developers for an SCPF


We are looking for developers dedicated to their craft, and have some experience in the field.

About Us

Created in 2018, we have recently returned after a year and a half of hibernation. Once housing around 2k members and a constant activity of 30+ players in our group dedicated site, we are looking to recreate and improve our past group, by expanding and creating a RP site. An RP site is basically a roleplay site where being in the group does not matter, and you can play on any department team, by just buying a pass for that team.

Current Team
@LeviathanPurge - Project Lead
@ArianConX - Builder
@ffrostfall - Programmer
@BlueConX - GFX Artist
@PoIemicist- UI Designer
@Johnkiller10oo - 3D Modeler
@username - Animator
@username - Composer

This is our group link. Secure Containment Facilities. - Roblox

About The Job

The project will be one functional roleplay site.
For animations, we currently need R15 gun animations.
Composer will create SCP sounds, alarms and more.


Animator - 3000 Robux
Composer - 5000 Robux

Contact Us

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: purge#9999
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thank you.

This is my first post on the forum, and I do know it is pretty bad. My goal was to make something presentable for now, and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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