[CLOSED] Hiring developers!

Hey developers,

Few days ago I found my group called Viscendo Project. Right now I am still earning money for this, but I think we can already go ahead with my plan. As the main project is to create some games, not based only with one game category, I will need cool group of developers that will be co-operating together. As our main goal of this project is to make ROBLOX rich with many games, I have few projects for games. Until I will go threw that, I’ll write down some roles.


Main leader - @kacper532

Main builder - @kacper532

Builder - [unknow]

UI - [unknow]

Scripter - [unknow]

Modeler - [unknow]

Animator – [unknow]

Topic: How to become staff of the group?

As a builder, you need to have really high experience with low-poly buildings, as in the future, we can create simulators or kid-friendly games, also high-detail and good experience in terain.

As a scripter you need to know at least basics and even more, as I will be really demanding. UI, Modeler and Animator should know what to do! :smiley:

Game ideas.

First, I want to said I’ve found two simple (or how you think) games ideas. The first one is kid-friendly game, where you roleplay as citizen, that’s what I can only say since after I will hire you I will tell you the whole idea. Second one is about First world war.

About me.

Hello! I am Kacper, or kacper532. I am a polish ROBLOX developer and wish to work once at ROBLOX or similiar corporations. I am a player since 2012/2013, in 2017 I got inspired to become a developer. I like to spend time in ROBLOX Studio and I am still making my portfolio better. In early 2019 I found some ideas for games, so I thought, why not create a cool team and create with them games? That’s why I am writing here! :slight_smile:


Currently, if our team will have 6 people, I will be paying monthly ROBUX with percentage.

Builder1 - 15%

Scripter1 - 20%

Animator - 20%

UI designer - 15%

Modeler - 15%

Project Leader – 15%

I will need aswell someone to create group logo and I’ll pay 250 robux.

Music composer will be paid while made each asset.

I will be giving money only and only in robux per month by percentage, after last update from game published I will be paying you for 12 month straight. If our first game will be success I will take 7,5% (or everything if I will need) from my earnings to ads. If our game will fail, I will have wait again until I will gather robux on ads.

I am not giving money in paypal. No exceptions are predicted. Please note you are not allowed to choose two roles, as I want to give other chances. Prices are not negotiable.

You need to be 18 year old+ to sign contract or by your parents (if you are below 18 year old). Please note, I take development very seriously.

How to reach me?

The only way is discord: Ziki#8117

Please, if you are intrested add me on discord, while I added you, write real quick that you are from devforum and what poistion are you seeking.

Thank you for reading and have a good day! :smiley:

Please note, you must be 13 year old or more, because I want my team being real serious.
My group can be found here: Viscendo - Roblox

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What are you doing that earns you 15%? Why is the animator getting the same amount as the scripter? That makes 0 sense.


I am builder aswell, and script some stuff, same with modelling.

The percents you have listed are way too low. They don’t make much sense either. Why does the Scripter and Animator receive the same percent?

The fact your percents are so low makes this quite funny.

If someone is doing two jobs, then they deserve both the percents combined. Was you planning on only receiving 15% though?

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The topic is closed, as the group is also closed because of personal private things. I will be hiring again in any time soon.

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