[CLOSED] hiring devs

About the project

Hi there! I am Abe, and I am going to attempt to make a simulator (Haven’t decided what kind) I will pay GUI Designers, GFX Artist, scripters, and Animators.

The Team so far
@xXIvan2000Xx- Builder
@johnreysd432 - Scripter
@johncena12345678953 - Animator
@Disqrete - GFX Artist
@johnreysd432 - GUI Designer

About The Job

We are looking for a professional GFX Artist, Scripters, and Animators to join our team as our Developers. We expect high-quality work that will do well in our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.


I will be paying R$ only. We can discuss the prices of discord. My discord is Abe#9914

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I would like to know more information about this! Add me on discord, Happy_Liam#0894

I would like to apply for GUI Designer Zombie#0002

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