[CLOSED] Hiring full dev team!

About Us

Greetings! Burnt Toast Studios (your potential employer) is a shiny and brand new dev team with the same goal as any other game studio: To produce high quality games for players to enjoy, and perchance make money doing so!

What sets us apart from everyone else? For starters, there’s me, everyone’s least favorite ideas person and manager! I’m the one with the game ideas, the one who writes a plot, creates the lore, writes the dialogue, and designs the characters. I’m also primarily the one in charge of listing, advertising, and community management.

But what else sets us apart? You do! Yes, you! The unique dev with high quality work, a rigid work ethic, and an attitude! Don’t have much skill? Me neither, welcome to the club, we can grow and improve together! Just looking to boost your resume? Working on a complete game can do much more than working for commissions can! Apply today!

Meet the Team

  • @ManateeDerp47: Writing plot, lore, and dialogue, making characters, and general management. I could also probably texture something if I need to

  • @MaybeYou: Environment/Terrain design

  • @MaybeYou: Builder

  • @MaybeYou: Scripter

  • @MaybeYou: Animator

  • @MaybeYou: Modeler

  • @MaybeYou: UI/GUI

  • Probably some other positions I forgot about

Prototype Game:

Let me be honest, I don’t have a lot of stuff done. I’ve been trying to make these a reality for a while now but I’m no good at anything listed above so that’s why I’m hiring. I do have some tidbits of what I tried, however. Games listed here don’t have a description because I don’t really want to give away my anything-but-golden ideas to people I didn’t hire.

Days Gone By

Yes that is actual Cold War era propaganda, no idea how it got past any filters

Code 23

Mass Transit

There are a few more ideas but I don’t have the files from starting them anymore.

About The Job

But ManateeDerp47, if there are so many ideas, which one will we do?

We’ll all vote on it. That’s how most major decisions will be made, anyone with an idea can present their idea and their reasoning/logic and we’ll discuss it as a group.

We don’t have a set schedule, or a real style, or anything like that. As a team member with Burnt Toast, you have creative liberties so you can develop as you want to, on your schedule (within reason). You’ll get more specific details when we all vote on the game.


If you’ve read this far, congratulations! Unfortunately, this is where you’ll go back to the recruitment board because in terms of money… We have no money. I do, however, have a plan for payment once the game releases. TL;DR I CANNOT PAY UNTIL THE GAME GENERATES MONEY, TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT!

I will negotiate set prices with each of you, but my general ranges are:

  • Builder: Maps will range from large to very large so prices will top out probably around 10, 15, 20k
  • Scripter: I actually don’t know market price so this is entirely negotiable but 5k
  • Modeler: Probably around 100-250R$ per asset
  • Animator: See Modeler budget
  • UI/GUI: Around 750R$

I feel kind of bad for including this but for the builder, scripter and GUI person, if you quit the studio while the game is in development, you will not be paid. Your jobs aren’t modular and I cannot pay for part of a map, so instead, Burnt Toast Studios cannot and will not use assets you’ve made, and you will receive no payment for them. For everyone else, if you quit, Burnt Toast will pay for assets that we will actually use, anything else will not be paid for. Keep that in mind.

Contact Us

If you’ve made it this far and still want in, contact me on DevForum or on Discord, my name and tag is The Annoying Furry DM#4638

You must be 13 or older to apply.

Stay classy my friends.

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