I am looking for a good UI desginer for my upcoming project, we can discuss it; IF YOU GET HIRED. I am willing to pay a bit of downpayment if you do not feel comfortable making the UI first, I have a team however, they can provide you with enough proof of me being legit, again its up to you really, I am willing to pay downpayment like I said if you do not feel comfortable.
Your work must be class, the theme for the UI is cartoony./low poly, I will show you the map in DMs on discord for the game. Please use your imagination and do not DM me for every little bit of info, I want you to design it and look at the game and see which UI fits into the games theme/map.
You must be active and experienced with graphics, nice and active. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Please do not be stupid about this and DM me on discord with troll applications.
If you are interested working for me please send me a message on the following
Twitter- @nudgz
Roblox - Nudgz
Discord- Fernyhough#0001
Once again thank you for you’re time
(p.s if my grammar and spelling aren’t good or my spelling is incorrect, its because I have a bit of dyslexia).