[CLOSED] Hiring restaurant developer

About Us

:wave: Salutations! I’m LukasGardnerMD the Chairman and principal owner of BurgerBox. BurgerBox is a member with just over 50 members. We are a group that is looking to reopen after having over 250+ members in the past.

Job Description

I’m looking for an experienced ROBLOX developer to create a new modern restaurant that matches the group theme. Listed below are some requirements for this position…

  • Must have advanced development experience w/ pictures and at least 1 reference if needed.
  • Must be able to communicate with myself and the rest of the BurgerBox Corporate Team.
  • Must be able to meet deadlines within reason.
  • Cannot have a bad reputation on any platform.

Payment Information

Payment can be negotiated but will be distributed via group funds. Due to us trying to reopen and in need of funds the ideal situation is a downpayment and after you will make a % of the games profit after the group has been officially opened. Once again this is just the ideal situation but it can be negotiated.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in this job be sure to DM me via Discord at “lukas!#7937”.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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