[CLOSED] Hiring scripter and UI designer for upcoming project

About Us

Hi there! I’m an independant developer working on a project on my own, the project I can’t name unless you’re interested which then you can contact me via discord due to not wanting to release any information just yet, I’m a UK based developer.

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter and UI designer to work on an upcoming project, this project is promising and is near enough ready for beta release this month, just after a scripter as my original scripter had to drop out for legitimate reasons, If you’re interested I can provide you with all the details possible via discord or twitter, Payment will be from revenue that the game earns.

Our game needs quite a lot of scripting done and have experience with Lua, although the scripting may be basic enough, there is quite a bit of it, I could do it myself but I currently do not have the time as I’m managing everything else and modelling all the assets needed.

The UI Designer will need to be talented in that role, I do not expect a senior professional UI designer, just someone who is good at what they do and knows their way around the likes of Photoshop or whatever else it is they may use. Will need quite a bit of UI designs done too, nothing too sinister.


I will be paying both UI and scripter a fixed amount of revenue(which can be discussed) when the game releases in beta this month(hopefully) Reason being I’m not paying up front is I don’t have any money like that also my last scripter I paid up front has unfortunately had to drop out, I will be more than happy to fill out a contract which states You shall be paid.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: @Peakmanbilly18 or via discord at peakman17#8231 I am active on both a lot so either is fine.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Also, I had got quite a lot done on this game, so hence why I’m stating hopefully this month for a beta release, Just missing the scripter now and a UI Designer.

UPDATE: Roles are now closed, May eventually be looking for a modeller who knows their way around blender along side myself to model some assets, need to be experienced as I can’t take out time to teach you everything.


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