[CLOSED] Hiring scripter for an Arsenal-type leaderboard

About The Job

I’m looking for someone who can make a leaderboard similar to Arsenal, like this;

More info

I already have a Ui for you to work with, and you can get that here.

The leaderboard should update every time someone gets a kill, or when someone leaves/joins.

When a player joins, they should be added to the leaderboard. When a player leaves, they should be removed from the leaderboard.

The stat that the leaderboard is based off of is player.stats[“Round Kills”] and the list should be ordered so that the player with the highest Round Kills is at the start, and the lowest at the end.

The image should be a HeadShot of the players avatar and the number should be the amount of Round Kills they have.


I am willing to pay 2,500 ROBUX for this (negotiable), which can only be given via t-shirt or gamepass and I will cover tax.
(only t-shirt or gamepass because of the new group funds update, I don’t want to get my group locked)

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at Cooqi#1896 (DM me a heads-up before requesting, I usually get alot of friend requests and auto-decline them all)
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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