[Closed] Hiring scripter to find Source Code

I Need Help With This Scripting Question

I know you might be confused, so before you read this post, the reason why this scripting question is in this category, is because I am willing to pay someone to find this out for me.

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
I would like to know how player movement works. I know that roblox has a control module with different ways the characters move: but I am not interested that. I want to know how the humanoid:MoveTo function works exactly, because I am trying to make my own npc movement script, and I don’t want to use pathfinding service. If somebody has the corescript for the function, related functions, or anything, that would help a lot. Even a link would help.

And before you call me lazy, I have searched a lot through studio options and enabled seeing everything core, but this is the only thing I cannot find. I already have my animations and stuff ready for the npc, and it is basically a normal character but taller, so there is not much else that I need but this.

I am willing to pay 100 robux

I will pay 100 robux if the solution leads me to what I like. I might pay an extra 5-10 if you make it quick.

What it does it that it gets the unit directional vector between the humanoid and the goal, and adds that to its position.

This might not be exactly how they do it, but it’s how I make an object follow another in Unity & other game engines.

Here’s a badly drawn schematic that roughly shows how it works.

Edit: This might help, not sure: https://github.com/Roblox/Core-Scripts

Edit 2: To get the unit vector, subtract Point A’s position with Point B’s position, and do Vector3.Unit.

Edit 3: Why do you want to avoid using Pathfinding in the first place?

I imagine you have checked the wiki, but if you haven’t the wiki is always a good place to start: Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

This is not what I meant. I don’t mean a function calling a function for that. I am talking about the BASE function with all the CFrame and Calculation. I have looked on the wiki several times.

I have been to the corescripts.
I know that they most likely use Vector3.Unit,
I am trying to avoid it because the npc will need to be low latency and very fast, and pathfinding service isn’t good enough for that.

I am looking for the base function. Everything they actually ran. And I do need to know how they exactly did it, because how could they play an animation while tweening the movement like that? Do you have the script?

I think I found something that might help: GitHub - LPGhatguy/luanoid: Alternative to Roblox Humanoids written entirely in Lua




And roblox Core Client scripts : GitHub - Roblox/Core-Scripts: All of ROBLOX's core client scripts.

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