[CLOSED] Hiring Side City Development Team!

Welcome to Side City!

Hello, fellow Robloxians! Welcome to Side City, a Robloxian City-type game, Created by MxydanDev in 2020. Recently, I’ve become unsatisfied with what I originally did with the project, wanting to start fresh with a new team. I want to build a good relationship with this team as well, good communication and good production. I see Side City myself as a way of gaining experience developing, fun, free and mainly hard-working. Now, onto the actual idea of this project. It says it in the name, city. The game’s main idea is to work jobs, build houses, socialize, explore and have fun!

The Team
@MxydanDev - Asset Design and Modeller
@CouldBeYou - Scripter
@CouldBeYou - UI
@CouldBeYou - Builder

Here’s the original game, will be re-created: Side City [Pre-Alpha] - Roblox
Here’s the current Public Testing environment: Side City [Public Testing] - Roblox

About The Job

I am currently on the look for a scripter, builder and UI Designer, the game already has Art created by CullWasHere, a friend of mine.


There’s a lot that will have to be done, but we can do this as a team! It may be a journey, but if we all work hard together and stay productive, we can get this done.


Now, I am aware that this will be the point where most people click off. Payment will be a percentage of the game’s earnings until we get a stable income, which then we will agree on a fixed payment. Percentages can be discussed but be aware, there is no guarantee that there will be a fixed payment in the future.

Contact Us

I can be contacted by multiple platforms. You can contact me via Discord: @MxydanDev#0001
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MxydanDev
Roblox: Elliott - Roblox
You can also contact me directly from the DevForum.
You must be 13+ to apply!

Thanks for reading! I hope we can create a future together! :slight_smile:


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