(CLOSED) Hiring Testers for my game!

About Us

Hi there! I am BenzGamingz! I’m finished a game based in 1700’s in the Canadian province of Newfoundland. I am needing 7 testers, or more.

The Team
@BenzGamingz - Lead Builder, Lead Scripter, Environmental Designer and Developer.
@Piggeni - Builder.

About The Job

We are looking for a testers to help test our game! We have been developing this game for around 7 months or so, and we are happy to finish our game, and we are hiring testers.

You will need to see the following:

  • Is the game fun with more players?
  • Did you enjoy playing the game?
  • Did you find any bugs?


We are giving the testers nametags called ‘testers’ and more benefits as our game grows!

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or on ROBLOX!
See you around! :slight_smile:

Current Testers


Hey, I could test your game - I’d be happy to! I prefer to stay anonymous, if that’s okay with you. Are there any age restrictions, like “You have to be 12 or older”?

I’ll be a game tester! message me

No, there are no age restrictions, and if you want to be anonymous, that’s fine.

Alright, then you may message me on DevForum whenever you’d like me to test your game! Thanks!

Alright, I shall do so. :slight_smile:

DevForum is 13+ so the default age restriction would be 13 years old.


hi i would love to test your game

message me please or add me on discord; supermanaymany#0402

Added your name to the list, thanks.

thanks a lot when do you think we will be testing the game out ?

Hey! I would love to be a tester for your game, I’ll contact you via devforum dms.


  • @PirateCasher
  • @HappyLemonzYT
  • @LadeaCoolGuy2
  • @supermanaymany
  • @ScytheSlayin
  • @Piggeni
  • @BenzGamingz
    The following users have been accepted, we will start testing when I tell you to do so, please be on time, if you are late, that is fine, but it’s better to be on time.

ok! I’ll try to be on time!
30 charas

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Today is good for me as well. Do you have a time?

Is 2:30 good?

Which time zone? CST? (30 characters)


… tommoro at 5 is good for me