[CLOSED] Hiring UI and Builder - USD

## About Us
Hi there! We are a game studio (Unreal and Unity) that are making a first test project in Roblox! We are building a team for a very simple test that will run on our Playfab platform. We have all the backend for mission, crafting, loot drop, inventory, collective mission an event twitch drop and twitch add-on.

The Team
Supersosod - Game Designer
Supermeliacute - Game Designer
Lulu - Voice Actress
Kuba Guzik - Backend and API
Buildex - Project Manager
Anashel - Team Lead

## About The Job
We are doing a very very basic test project on a mining simulator type of game. The goal of the test project is to have the chance to work with other Roblox dev and see if we make a good team for the full project.

We need help with 2 part. A builder to make a basic map and a UI scripter to import and script our design from our PSD / Photoshop file. Here is some shot to help out understanding the test project. Keep in mind, it is extremely basic.

UI Design

PSD Layer and Transparency


Map Layout

We have a set of Blender assets to help the 3D design. That being said, keep in mind we normally make game with Unreal and Unity so, I am very sure our asset will be hard to import in Roblox. :slight_smile: As for the UI, there is nothing other than making it resizable and display the data. There is not really any interactions, it’s just a status layer.

## Payment
For the test project, we are paying:

  • 200$ USD for the map
  • 100$ USD for the UI

I know it’s not a lot but for the real project will have much more budget. This is just a test to meet potential dev to join our team. Payment is done via paypal.

## Contact Us
Contact me via Discord: Anashel#8811

Feel free also to join us on discord if you just want to hang out and chat:

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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