[CLOSED] Horror House

The Turner Household

Hello! I am XIINights.
Once again, I am looking for a builder for a myth game. I would like it to include:

Rocky material, and a rock to worship on a stand.

First Floor

Living Room
TV, rug, sofa, pictures, wardrobe

Fridge, cooking area, sink, oven

Dining Room
Table, four chairs

Second Floor
One boys room with a bunkbed and things that boys like
One girls room with a bunkbed and things that girls like
One guest bedroom
One Master bedroom

I will help you build.


Please contact Austin Turner#5875 if you are interested. He will talk payment with you.

Is there any payment involved for this job?

Yes. On the last line it says,

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i have added you on discord! phorba#8385

Interested in this job.

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