[CLOSED] httpDerpyy | Programmer


I’m a 18-year-old developer residing in Brazil. I specialize in LUA coding but I also have knowledge on different languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and C++. I’m also able to deploy external applications using cloud services in order to program and host Discord Bots and many other appliances.

I have been scripting Lua for about 3 years. I’m constantly looking for improvement and to enhance myself.

City / Dark RP / Roleplay


Radio System

Store Management

Store System with limited stock

Limb damage/healing system

Storage system

Placement system with rotation

Cinematic Work

Intro for a game
psg intro and menu testing - YouTube

Attack on Titan Transformation
titan shifter v2 - YouTube

Math-Related Work

Waypoint Pipe Generator
By creating a path, using parts or CFrames, this module generates a pipe track that follows along.

Procedurally Generated Rain with realistic water drops and puddles.
No physics involved, all of the math is pre-made with raycasting and tweening, it is very well performing.

Blood Physics
No physics involved, utilizes concepts such as Bezier curves and quadratic functions to pre-calculate the spills and puddles.

Small Computer Project

I recreated one of those old DOS computers, it isn’t really accurate to DOS itself but it shares a lot of similarities. You can create and write files, images, create directories and share things between computers using disks.

My Methodology

I am really into organization, I believe it is the key to accomplish any project. Most of my scripts are structured in an OOP manner and are very easy to scale. Comments are spread all over my code to make sure other programmers can understand what’s going on and even allow non-programmers to be able to edit the code.


Like previously mentioned, I also have experience to program in an environment outside of Roblox. I have my own AWS account and virtual machines to create JS servers on the run. I can create and integrate Discord Bots with your game or group.

Off-site Work

Group + Discord ranking bot
This bot ranks people within a group to a certain rank, as well as provide them with the respective role in the Discord.


Roblox verification bot
I’ve also programmed a Bot that verifies someone in a Discord, it has its own database and can handle multiple inquiries. It verifies the user by providing them with a code which they have to place on their profile.

This bot was coded in Brazilian Portuguese but here’s a demonstration of multiple people making use of it.

I’m only available to work during week days. I can dedicate between 2 - 5 hours per day into a project.

Also accept payment in USD; value must match Robux value.

Starting Price: 25.000 Robux
Medium Commissions: 50.000 Robux
Long Commissions: 100.000 Robux

All of the prices vary depending on complexity, if you have a long-termed commission that is simple, I won’t be asking for the full price. Prices are always up to discussion, the list is just for reference.

If you’d like to get in contact with me, send me a DevForum PM. If we agree on something I’ll lend you my Discord for further conversation.

Have a nice day!


Great guy with great morals, worked with before and it’s been some one in a life time experience, would vouch and recommend him anytime.


Amazing work, quick & high quality. I had multiple things I wanted to change when he was finished and he changed it no bother. Constantly communicated with me the whole time showing me updates of the commission in videos & images. I would definitely recommend derpy to anyone who is looking for a scripter.


By far the best scripter I’ve ever seen, delivers on everything he promises and is very communicative and enlightening about the project, hire him without fear of regret.