[CLOSED!] I am in need of a GFX Designer!

About Us

Hello there! We’re Sum’s Restaurant, an upcoming restaurant community!

About The Job

We are in need of a GFX Designer that can make a thumbnail for our new restaurant, you can find examples of the thumbnail below!

Examples of the thumbnail:



We are paying trough t-shirt.

Contact Us

Contact us/me on Discord at x_Jonyyny#0001, I will be proud to talk with you!

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello! I tried to add you on Discord but it said error. Please add me, my Discord is Pixfui#9528. Hope to talk with you soon!

Hello there,

Same here, your Discord tag appears to be invalid. Please add me instead on Discord: iiRosie1#0127. I hope to get in touch with you!


I added you!..[30 characters]

Interested, send a FR since your id doesnt work.

It says you’re not accepting requests! Add me at x_Jonyyny#8304.

1 Like


oof, didnt work

Try now…[30]…


Hi there! Add me on discord! Ducky#5396

Would you be interested in a GUI Designer? If so I would be interested.


Sure thing! I would be happy to be your GUI designer!

It still says “Check your spelling”

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