Would 100% recommend working with Icey! He is friendly, serious and can get stuff done really quickly! A really generous, kind and talented Modeller, keep up the amazing work, man!
Sent a friend request on discord for a building commission. I am Jayy#9644
Sent a friend request on discord for a Map commission. I am FazeMJ_Dev#1436
Icey is a highly talented and kind individual! If you are looking for someone to provide you with amazing assets and a kind attitude hire this man!
I’m interested in commissioning you. Are you able to do realistic models?
So unfortunately I think you changed your discord so I cannot add you but add me on discord: TwoAfricans#6969
I am looking for a good low poly builder and am willing to pay well.
Seems as though you changed your discord.
I am interested in your map builds, feel free to add me on discord when you are free.
Discord: xUltimatex#7059
My portfolio has been updated! Feel free to check it out now.
This is amazing, I am going to need a builder in about a month or so, so I will definitely look into hiring you then!
Ok, I sent you a friend request, I am Brend0n#3155
I have known Icey for some time now, and he is really a great modeler/builder. He does his commissions very fast and he adds a lot of cool details to it. I recommend hiring him!
Sent you a friend request, my discord is Tristan,#0001.
FR: SmallByts#3943 (Discord)