[CLOSED] If I sell this build, how much should I sell it for?

I am not sure what this is, but I built it and I like it If I sell this build, how much should I sell it for? How much do you think it is worth? ALSO can you rate it as a scale of x/10
EDIT: I think this could actually be a clothing store! Or maybe something like that!

Here is the game
^^^ Keep up with the game’s updates on the build. Thanks!

Tell me how much this should cost. In Robux
Also please rate the build like this: X/10
ALSO PLEASE give suggestions!! Thanks.


Honestly, I don’t really think it would be a good idea to sell this build. I would add a lot more detail before a price could be put on it.


Probably 50-125 robux max.

Simple builds go for relatively cheap.


If I were to give a price for it, I’d say max 100 robux.

Although you didn’t ask for it but let me give you an advice; advice;


Anybody can sell anything they want but they should also consider the purpose of the asset. Nobody will buy an asset when ever the creator is unsure of what it is. You can put it up in the market for any price you want but nobody would buy something if no purpose is found.

I recommend you further refine your building skills and build something that you think would find a purpose in somebody’s place before putting something up for sale.

Thanks so much for the help! I will be updating it and changing the pictures as the updates go along!

I have updated this so please re-rate/change the price or just say what you think about the update! Thank you!!

Looks nice, although it could use some detail with tables, chairs, & extreme modern designs, either way, it would be a nice thing to sell.

Hope you can continue with building some more of this to earn some revenue! :smiley: :roblox:

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Just so you know I am aiming for a clothing shop. EDIT: Or should I still add tables and chairs?

Oh, a clothing shop…

Then maybe add some tables & chairs, like a fitting room? Since people can see what it looks like on the avatars in the game, & either purchase it.

I have updated it a lot. Just check the description again.

This build seems like something a person who has just started building for the first time would be producing. The content, and quality are quite low to try to sell this, but it’s good for practice to continue until you have something worth selling. I hope this doesn’t come off as bashing, rather the raw non-sugared truth. I’ve also included an advice section to keep the criticism somewhat constructive at the end of this post.

Rating - 0.8 / 10 (Looks like a first time practice build vs a sell-able asset)
Price - 50 Robux if you must try, but most will not buy this.


Now I know you didn’t ask for advice, but I highly suggest you compare your build to what has been successfully sold in the Devforum asset marketplace section to get a good idea of pricing along with the quality needed to successfully sell something.

I am still making changes to this build. I am changing it every so often.

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