Closed | Impulsion Studios Development Team is Hiring (Builders, UI Designer)

About Us

Hey there! We are Impulsion Studios, and we’re a small development team with hopes of creating something enjoyable for the community!

The Team
@dvenomHD - Programmer - 35%
@Rallient - Builder - 15%
@cademan122133 - Composer - 15%
@username - Builder - 20%
@username - UI - 15%

Percentages are subject to change at any time, as it will eventually be based upon the workload of developers.

Who We Need

Currently, we are looking for an additional builder and UI designer who can help alongside the team in creating an awesome game! As a builder, you are in charge of creating the landscape using the terrain tool, vehicles, buildings, and other kinds of assets. The UI designer will create the game interface.

Game Concept

Our game is a social game, which will include 50 player servers and many things for players to do! The location of the map is based on a road strip along a beach, where you’re able to buy and customize your own house/condo, jetski racing on the ocean, completing tasks/having an occupation to award you in-game currency, as well as being able to mingle with friends and participate in fun minigames.

In-Game Pictures



I would be more than happy to pay developers a percentage of the game revenue. In case the game makes little to none, I don’t mind paying in USD.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or my discord, which is Rallient#6261. Please feel out the application for the team, as well! Crystal Studios Development Team Application

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I might be interested if there could be some pictures so i can get a better concept of the game, im really a good learner by reading and imagining scenery

I sent a friend request on discord, BK

If you need a translator to dutch, you can always contact me. You don’t have to pay me but I will appreciate it!

A UI designer’s job is to create UIs for the game, not make icons and thumbnails for the game as well. 15% is not enough for the UI designer to cover two jobs. Consider changing the job description and commission a graphic designer for your thumbnails and icons.


actually I was thinking somewhat different
UI designer should not receive any percentage, same with the composer.

judging by the game concept, those jobs seem more one-off

Thank you guys for the feedback, I’ll be sure to edit the post!

I will be able to add a photo soon, there isn’t quite enough done because we’ve barely started.

I mean, real photos. Like photos of what you need done.

May I join the team? I can 3D model really well! Here is one of my past models…

Gotcha! I’ll add those very shortly!

Post has been updated with pictures!

Feel free to fill out the application and add my discord :slight_smile:

My discord is PawsomeDev#6063

I would love to work for Impulsion Studios as a builder, I have long-time knowledge as a builder. I have filled the application.

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