[CLOSED] ITER - The future of Energy - Is hiring developers

Our Team:

@titanicalblocker – Head Builder
@pierresachabaglione - Head scripter.
Director of this project

We want to build the replica of the international project “ITER” on Roblox.

What is our project in a few words :slight_smile:
ITER means “the Path” in Latin.

ITER is :
-The way to demonstrate the ability to produce energy from fusion technology.
-The path to demonstrate how can an international cooperation could push the limits of engineering trying to replicate what happens on the sun.

Our project is ambitious, we want to give a whole generation the desire to share this new technology that will meet the increased needs of a world in perpetual evolution.

We are hiring for builders to help us with the creation subsidiary infrastructures of our project:

-The Headquarters Complex and offices (we already have detailed furniture)
-Cooling Station: piping complex, fluid conducting systems.
-Iter Surroundings.

We have a whole bank of reference images of the project containing plans, videos, and sources of inspiration that we will make available to you as well as an Office 365 E5 license to collaborate in optimal conditions.
For builders or scripters who want to have quality development tools:
We have recently acquired a server hosted by my (Pierre-Sacha Baglione) own care containing several educational licenses of Autodesk or Dassault Systèmes software.
This server also benefits from a quadro rtx 4000 graphics card to facilitate the renderings.
We have also developed a Microsoft SQL database to facilitate the future management of this Roblox project.

Some sneaks peaks of the development of this project: (including the development of the central base of the project which is only the Tokamak reactor)

We rely on volunteering because it is a means of sharing without limits that does not respond to superficial needs for gain or profit.
Above all, we seek to share a common passion for this project.
Developing skills and learning from the richness of each of us is our motto.

You can contact us via the Developer Forum or via Discord


You must be 13 or older to apply.

We hope to see you soon in our development team.

What are you waiting for? JOIN US :+1::wink:

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