[CLOSED] LA Airways is looking for a new coder! (250k+ Group)

What is LA Airways?
Los Angeles Airways is committed to providing every Robloxian with the best service of air travel to the extensive selection of destinations possible. We must always act with integrity, treat others with respect, and ensure every decision we make is a responsible and ethical one.

We are currently at 254k+ and we range at around 200-500 players across all of our games!

What do we need?
We are currently looking for a fast and reliable scripter. LAA is wanting an experienced coder to program our new version 2. We will need weekly updates to keep the game fresh and active. So you must be active! We are also looking for someone who has decent UI design skills in addition to their scripting skills.

Some things that will be expected to be script:

  • Very advanced side bar.
  • Scripted foods and machines for the restaurant.
  • Create a datastore system that stores all data in the game.
  • Create a completely interactive game with points, in-game currency, shops, “Press E to Interact” interfaces, level up system, and EXP system.
  • Fully interactive pets. We have a pet shop that will need to be scripted.
  • Working flight schedules on the TV.
  • Ticket system to book flights.
  • Gamepass boards and NPC statues.

These are just some of the things you will be expected to script.

Contact Info/Payment

If you are interested, please me, Bat on discord! There, I will be answering any questions you might have, give additional information, and discuss payment options whether it be percentage or job to job payment. Information regarding that will not be posted on this forum due to obvious reasons.

Discord tags:

If you have any concerns let me know in the replies and please DM!

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