Section 1: Dress Code
All pupils enrolled in and or participating in LWMS are required to attend sessions in a realistic form of avatar. Any “troll” avatars will have you sent to the office and asked to change or you will be kicked from the session. We would suggest…
- TOPS: Polo Shirt, Hoodie (appropriate for a school environment), Jackets
- BOTTOMS: Shorts, Pants, Short Shorts (must cover at least 1/3 of the leg)
Section 2: Google Classroom
We rely on google classroom for assignment & grading purposes as well as roleplay for our community. Depending on you’re class (1 or 2) you may have a different google classroom. All classroom codes can be found in our communications server on the roblox group page under Social Links.
Section 3: Correct Roleplay
We ask that all students correctly roleplay and or act as they would in real life. We try to keep this a professional realistic environment, so we ask that you try to do the same. A few key things that we will not tolerate are…
- Swearing (bypassing ROBLOX filters)
- Unrealistic Costumes
- 18+ actions (NSFW content)
These things are only here to keep our community realistic; if you have an issue with this, please contact administration.
Section 4: Attendance
Students’ attendance is key to their success. If administration notices a student not coming in as frequently as they should, they could be removed from the school. Students ARE PERMITTED HOWEVER to file excuse forms to be excused for long periods of time from the facility or education provided by the facility. These reasons may include…
- Personal or family health issues
- Other important matters to take care of
- Focusing on real work, school, etc.
We ask that if you don’t feel like attending or don’t want to roleplay with us anymore, that you leave the community. We strive for activity and success, and we will still with you the best of luck in your career.