(Closed) Looking for a Builder - Sci-Fi Map

About Us

Hello, we’re a Star Wars role-play oriented Roblox group. You can find more information on our group page.

About The Job

We’re hiring a builder to assist our team finish a map. The majority of it is already done, you’ll mostly be doing polishing and interior work. We expect daily communication and work.

Map build style: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (Gallery)

We estimate the map should be completed within a few weeks.


Payment will based on how much you contribute but a general price range is in the post title (20k - 50k). You’ll be paid upon completion of the map.

Contact Us

Send me a direct message on Discord (metry#0001) or private message me if you have any questions or you’re interested in applying (send your portfolio too). You must be 13 years old or older to apply.


interested, i’ll contact you on discord :ok_hand:

Is this still open if so feel free to send me a friend request on discord ZoomCode#1089

Yes, the position is still available.

Alrighty I sent you a friend request on discord!

Still looking forward to hiring a new builder!

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