[CLOSED] Looking for a Clothing Designer that Specializes in Male Clothing

About the Job

Hello there!

I am currently looking for 1 - 2 clothing designers that specializes in male clothing. The following folder contains the requirements for the position(s).


Do not message me if you don’t meet the requirements.

  • You must have at least 5 months of experience
  • You need a group, profile, or portfolio I can look at to view your works.
  • Your designs must be high quality and contain shading.
  • You must be able to message me via the devforum as I do not have an socials.
  • You must be 13+ years of age

Don’t forget to join the group!

Payment Info

You will be paid per asset. The prices can range from 200 - 2k. The prices will be negotiated. The payment method I will be using is t-shirt or gamepass.


You can contact me via the devfoum or roblox messages @R0syTeq

My apologies for not being able to message you with socials.

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