[CLOSED] Looking for a Logo Artist / GFX Designer

Job Recruitment

About Us

Hi there! We are Gutsy Games, creating upcoming games.

The Team
@NoobsterStudio - Scripter
@lxved_z - Builder

About The Job

We are looking for a temporary Logo Artist / GFX Designer, who has a pretty decent ability to work. If there is any, that can make us a thumbnail and an icon.

Example of what we want similarly (if you can’t do something like this, then don’t apply): https://gyazo.com/7893ab37c73ed8c11e874a5fbe597093


We are paying a total of 1,000 - 1,500 robux. (Any revenue up to 10% is fine if you stay.)



Please don’t suddenly go offline, and cannot do the work. If you know that you aren’t able to do work due to real life stuff, schedule, etc, then please don’t DM me.


[PROCESS] - Found one or more, and currently seeing their work or something like that.
[FOUND] - I have founded one and doing work, but they haven’t released or given me the design.
[CLOSED] - Payment has finished, and contract is a success.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or by here, Curzon#5298
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Is it possible for me to apply for this position? I can showcase my previous artwork through discord?

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