[CLOSED] Looking for a logo/thumbnail artist

About Us

Hi there! We are Barbie Kingdom. A clothing group who recently decided to create games! We’re looking for an artist who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new game!

The Team
@BarbieBankz - Owner
@12904 - Scripter
@roo12341234 - Scripter
@NANOPIXELLOVER - Builder/Modeler

About The Job

We are looking for a professional logo/thumbnail artist to join our team. We are looking for a logo/icon and a thumbnail to be made. We are also looking for somebody with previous experience, that is easy to communicate with and share ideas with. It would also be appreciated if you’re able to think outside the box.


We are paying 12,000 R$ through group funds.

Contact Us

If you are interested or have any questions you can contact us through discord: ~nano~#8575

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I can help you. What is your group name?

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What exactly are you looking for?


To be honest that’s confusing because isn’t a UI artist and professional logo/thumbnail artist kind of different?

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I just sent you a discord friend request, i can do both gfx and UI design. I have examples and have been working with big developers.

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lets see if you make his thumbnail great, if yes then maybe i could use you because i always struggle to position the characters and shape them

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Sent you a friend request on discord!

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