[CLOSED] Looking for a Modeler | Negotatiable Price


G’Day, I’ve got in a works an Imperial China themed game, I’m looking for someone with atleast 1 year experience and someone that has a portfolio ready to go for myself to take a look at it.


Looking for a modeler to be able to create a few items within an Imperial China theme, a few assets that I’m looking for are an Dragon Throne (google it), housing items, (beds, chairs, tables, etc), Blacksmithing items, Garrison items and so on.
You’ll be working with a mapper @dmlhunt if you’ve got any further questions contact me on Discord.

Palace W.I.P


Payment is in USD, how much you’d like to be paid is up for negotation


The easiest way to contact me is trough Discord.
Discord: ExpGamersInAu#0712
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

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Can you pay in Robux by any chance? If so, how much on average?

That could be possible if you’d like message me on discord and we can talk from there onwards.

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