[CLOSED] Looking for a Module Scripter! (15% of game)

About Us

Hello! We are Ravensong, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for a scripter who
is wiling to join our team and work with us on our new game, Toilet Paper Simulator!

@iiKriss - Owner
@ - Scripter

You can see a sneak peek of our progress so far here: https://youtu.be/or7msdp_DDg
(NOTE: The video is MONTHS old.)

The Job

We are looking for a professional Module Scripter who understands how to script a pet leveling-up system, as well as basic UI scriptings such as rebirths and gem shops. To join our team as our lead scripter, we expect high-quality scripts in a timely manner. Good group skills are great; we check progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another. We have been working on this game for months now and much of the scripting has been completed, which is why we are offering a low percent.

The following are scripts that we need to be completed to finish our near-complete game;

  1. Finish all GUI (Stats, Settings, Pets)
  2. Tutorial
  3. Finish Pet system
  4. Mobile compatibility


  1. Secret
  2. Buy a boost
  3. Kil a player
  4. Kil 10 players
  5. Kil 100 players
  6. Meet a dev

Gamepasses; https://gyazo.com/3e4afd24b2703bdada927a698ccba855

And just a few more easy things that I’m not going to add to this list, as it would make it too big


We are paying with 15% of our nearly done game. This may not seem like a lot, but seeing as our game is about 80% complete, we are feeling we are being extremely generous on this offer. We may provide weekly amounts of USD, but this would depend on the quality of the work and your effectiveness.

Contact Us

You can contact us here, Discord or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/HeroRavensong
Please reply to this post once you have sent a friend request, or just DM me. (If you’re not in a mutual server with me, just join the ROBLOX discord server._
You must be 13 years or older to apply.


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