(Closed) Looking for a Partner to assist me in creating an Arena Fighting Game

Hey there I’m Yaltyx, you’ve probably already seen many of my posts before and you’ll probably wonder why I’m starting afresh post again. Well, the other posts weren’t too detailed so I’m going deeper into my plans for this upcoming Game that I want to make together with the applicant that gets chosen.
I’m specifically looking for a programmer that is experienced with Lua programming.
Although, I had an idea about the overall concept of the Game which we can, of course, modify and add in your ideas/plans to the plans for the Game. I had the following mechanics and game idea in mind:

the Game is an Arena based fighting RPG, You start in a starter town with some starter gear, you are able to queue up for a match with the desired filters (Team deathmatch, free for all, king of the hill, capture the flag) You’ll start at the first arena which has no requirements to enter. You’ll have to battle it out in the Arena and the winning team gets Gear, Trophies, and XP. Trophies are used for getting to higher divisions to enter higher Arenas that will drop better gear upon winning, each Arena can be entered with the required division and level.

Here are some of the Mechanics for those that require more information:

  • (Pre-Alpha) Custom Inventory (Equip/Unequip Gear by clicking + tooltip and slot dragging)

  • (Alpha) Division System (X amount of Trophies to get promoted to a new division if it’s below the requirement you get demoted)

  • (Pre-Alpha) Matchmaking Queue (Select filters like I mentioned before, set level requirement for party and trophy requirement and team size (2,3,4,5) then it’ll find another team with the same filters, team size, total team trophy range, and Arena. and you’ll get matched up in the Arena you’ve chosen.

  • (Pre-Alpha) Combat (Combat roll, Weapons: (Bows/Staffs/Swords), Each weapon has its own ability which is usually the same but the look is altered.)

  • (Pre-Alpha) Rewards (Winning Players get: (Trophies, XP, Currency, Gear) all depending on placement in the match. losing Players still get currency to buy gear in the shop)

  • (Alpha) Shop (You can buy gear here for currency, Available items will change and will be in the range of your level.)

  • (Pre-Alpha) Level System (XP requirement to get to the next level, it’s common sense :P)

  • (Release) AI Replacement (If there are no players then the AI will replace those spots, AI Skill will increase each division to not make it too easy.)

Of course, the Pre-Alpha and Alpha stages will only contain the Core Mechanics and they are not required to be fully finished. If it works, then it’s fine.

  • Have a massive interest in the concept
  • Be able to come up with new ideas
  • Be fluent and very experienced in Lua
  • Strongly able to organize


Sadly I’m only able to pay a percentage of the game’s revenue at this moment which is quite a risk. But we’ll split it fairly.
We’ll both take 40% leaving 20% for eventually commissioning, advertising / sponsoring our game.

of course, if you have another other idea for the payment other than robux / anything to do with money, then I’ll consider that too.


You can contact me on discord: Yaltyx#4159

Thanks for reading, I hope to see you soon! :slight_smile:

Updated the post for people that require more details :stuck_out_tongue:

Closed, position has been filled :smiley:

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