(CLOSED) Looking for a talented ROBLOX cartoon artist! broken?

Greetings! I am currently looking for a talented ROBLOX artist to draw me advertisements for my group Coast Grill.

The advertisement must be “American” style (not anime), very cartoony and colorful. I am looking for an artist over the age of 13 and will not be upset with me if I ask them to change any part or detail of the advertisement.

These are drawing styles and advertisements that I like and I would want you to reference. (Not copy).

If you are certain that you can make something along this style and can work with me to create an advertisement that has a high CTR, please contact me.

I will be paying 750 to 3000 robux if you are able to create and tweak the advertisement as many times as needed to fit my needs. I will be really picky so if you do not like working with picky clients please do not contact me. Thanks!

Contact me: Vamonoz#1000 (Please send me a friend request!)
Or through @Vamonoz4

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