Hello there! I am the owner of Parwaz Studios and I am releasing another story game soon. I am looking for someone who can make a lobby for me (no scripting required, just building).
I want the lobby to be cartoony themed (Brightly coloured, you can make low poly mesh if you want or just build with parts on studio). The lobby doesn’t have to be massive, but it should be spacious and outdoor. It would be nice to have some buildings at the back
There should also be a place where a bus can go (which the players teleport on), ideally a road or two.
I am willing to pay between R$500-2,000 (may be negotiable) depending on how good the lobby is.
If you are interested, you can reply here or message me on ROBLOX (MuneebParwazMP) or Twitter (@MuneebParwazMP) and would be appreciated if you can include some images of past work!
@PhotonLightning has already made me a lobby (quite good and in about an hour!) for my game, so I do not need anyone else to build. Thank you for the offers anyways I really appreciate it!
I haven’t really posted before, I put his reply as a solution is that all I need to do or do I have to delete this post?