About Us
Hello there! It’s once again me, arustik99, and I’m once again looking for dedicated builders and 1 scripter to join the team and help with our game
@couldbeyou- Scripter
@DemonicVlbez - Builder
@Vojtisekczech - Builder
@couldbeyou - Builder
@MuhhMan22- Builder
@hoopdaloop- Builder
About The Job
We are looking for builders and a scripter at any skill level that will be able to adhere to the game’s style
If it comes to scripting, this is a game about trucks so you will need to script the trailer system and other misc. things (Having a bit of experience in terms of scripting is recommended to apply for scripter job). Knowledge on how to script cars is not needed but person with such skill is always welcome (More details on the scripter position in DMs)!
There is currently no deadline although be aware that amount of work put into the project, will affect your cut. I also want you to spend a minimum of 2 hours per day working on the game.
Required skills
- Communication skills (progress checked every 2 days. Failure to report progress will result in being fired)
- (Building) Knowledge on how to build semi-realistic/realistic (mid-poly/high-poly) style
We are paying:
10% to each builder
20% to scripter
300 overall backup payment
Contact Us
You can contact me on Discord: Arustik#7647
You will have 48 hours to respond back after I’ll DM you.
You need to be 13+ (Discord ToS) and have portfolio/screenshots of past work
Thanks for reading!