[CLOSED] Looking for Builders and scripters

**Expires in 24 hours

About Us

Hi there! I am looking for as many builders I can get for a new game that I have coming out, I also need about 1-2 scripters, I have done a little bit of work so you have a rough template.

Current Members
Head Developer: @DarkMasterLoyal
Senior Developers:@ Pr_amise
You can see our progress so far:

About The Job

We are looking for good builders and scripters, there will be a test prior to the hiring. Payment is by game pass commission and the amount of money made.

Contact Us

You can contact us by the comments by simply typing “A295(Username)”

Please note that you must have experience.


Is this guaranteed? What if this fails? Do you have a backup payment?

Sorry, what?


Basically its a partnership. But we are trying to make it go as smooth as possible (and you get credits)

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Okay, you didn’t answer my question, and I didn’t understand:

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, There is not a backup if the project fails other then trying to fix it, There is no guarantee because im offering such a high rank: Senior Developer

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How does that matter at all? Does it give you perks ingame?

So this thing is a whole gamble? :game_die:


What types of things would builders and scripters have to do? You never explained that.

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Scripters will be coding missions, cars, etc
Builders will be making the city, cars unscripted, Building, Trees, ETC

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Any interior for the buildings?

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Banks, Houses, Car dealership, Firestation

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Alright, any time frame this needs to be done? I have a really busy schedule.

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A very large time frame, Beta needs to be done in 1-2 months

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*We need to release it into beta in 1-2 months

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I might be interested. I can do the trees and anything nature related easily. I just created a high-poly tree today. Will the cars be low poly or made from parts?

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The same as this:

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Whats the test we need to take to apply? I can’t model vehicles but I can definitely do most of everything else.

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Do you have discord? I would like to contact you there. I have took this offer into consideration and I would like to apply. I hope I fit your needs. This is my first actual job I am applying for so I hope you can take it a little easy on me. Will you be advertising your game once its released in early BETA? I am assuming you are but I am being cautious so the chance of getting paid is pretty big.

(Not a solution) Post Closed; 24 hours past

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