[CLOSED] Looking for Developers for a Japanese Roleplay game

About Us

Hello, We are 8-Bit Community and is looking for those who can work on a japanese roleplay game.

The Team
@Goofy_Duck3 - GFX Artist / Intern
@The_Finished - Secondary Builder
@NNNapalm - UI Designer / Intern
@DukeWasHere - Vehicle and Weapons Modeller
@andwewu1234 - Management / Project D.O.W / Scripter
@UJustGotGamed - Management / Project D.O.W / FPS Animator
@GyroSeppeli - Management / Builder / Lead Side Project Manager.
@CheeseMan_36 - Modeller / Project D.O.W
@Bobs_Development - Map Builder
@Uniquedummie - Scripter

This game is just getting started. We are only looking to hire people.

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder to join our team as our builder for the Japanese roleplay side project game. You will be creating a large map with the lead project manager which is a builder, It will go through multiple districts which each district has a certain era theme. More information will be included upon contacting and being interested.

I expect the game to be finished within 6-12 months. Average will be 8 months if we keep progress is on track towards finishing and making progress on the game. Inactivity is reasonable if needed.

Why you should Join us…

This game has possible potential and has the creative idea of combining the current relativity of the Roblox community/market. It includes RP and Anime type of idea combined, thus making this a game that has realtive potiental. Do we expect this project to fail? Yes, but we will have no payment for that.


Workflow is depended on how much progress we make, good workflow will show that we are making at least minimum progress daily or some sort of progress. There is no availability requirements as we are only looking for competence/progress day by day.


We are paying through game revenue and will be managed if the project does come to a good conclusion and takes a hit. We do not have any confirmation on how we will manage payments, however, the payment will be based off percentages.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or Discord in Frags#7777, We wish you the best of luck when applying. (Although you will might just get in if no one else decides to take this position.)
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day! :slight_smile:

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