[CLOSED] Looking for developers for a new game. [UP TO 40K PAYMENT]

Hello fellow developers! :smile:

My name is Olizes and me and my friend are looking for developers for our new game. His name is Vortexx and he is the investor of Da Hood. A game with over 300M visits. The game will be a samurai rpg based on Super smash bro’s. Players will fight each other in different arena’s and use different combat styles for that. The game will have skins that the player can choose. The name of the game will be: Anime Battlegrounds.

My friend and I are looking for the following:

  • Modellers (2x) You should have atleast 1 year of experience and provide proof of your past work.
  • Scripters (2x) You should have atleast 1 year of experience and be able to show previous projects.
  • Builders (2x) You should have atleast 1 year of experience and be able to show past builds.
  • Gui Designer (1x) You should be able to show past work
  • Graphics designer (1x) You should be able to show past work and preferably have 1 year of experience
  • Clothing designer (1x) You should be able to show past work and preferably have half a year of experience
  • Animator (1x) You should have atleast half a year of experience and be able to show past animations


  • Scripter (Up to 50K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • Modeler (Up to 50K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • Builder (Up to 25K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • Gui designer (Up to 15K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • GFX Designer (Up to 10K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • Clothing designer (Up to 10K depending on the quality and amount of work)
  • Animator (Up to 10K depending on the quality and amount of work)

You can contact me or my friend via Discord:

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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