Thanks to everyone that applied! All of our slots are currently filled, when the game is fully out here is the link.
About Us
Hello! We are Software Studios, we are a small development studio with about 80 members. We’re currently in search of QA Testers for the up-and-coming alpha of our game Lamp next month. This game is a horror-based game where you need to turn off lamps in order to gain points, although when the lamps are off enemies can spawn and target players.
Our Main Team
@JasVod - Lead Builder
@aircanister - Lead Programmer
@ZL5D - Builder
@ilikemymumschicken - Builder
@AOLFAN - Framework Designer
Our QA Team
About The Job
We are looking for QA Testers to make sure our games are at the best level of quality. Like I mentioned before we are mainly focused on our game Lamp, you do not need much experience in QA Testing, all you need to do exactly is point out critical errors, flaws, or things that can be changed.
QA Testing does not give you authority over in-game members, your role is to just test our game for quality.
We are not offering payment for this job, instead, you will gain several in-game perks such as QA Tester Nametag, Dedicated Role, Access to updates early, special QA Tester Items, QA Tester Panel (basic game functions & commands.)
If you do want payment, we will accept that and pay you accordingly. Although this is a slight chance, meaning it’s not guaranteed that we will pay you.
Contact Us
Closed due to people applying never responding or just straight up leaving.
Thanks for reading, we hope you end up working with us!