[CLOSED] Looking for someone who can script and animate some melee weapons!

About The Job

Hi! I’m David , and I currently am working on improving my round-based combat game “Tribal Warriors.” One of the main criticisms of the game is that the swords and combat were too simple (the game uses the regular roblox linked swords), so I am in search of someone who can script and animate three weapon models and make them R15 compatible. I prefer hiring one person who can do both the animating and scripting, but I can make a few exceptions if your work is good. :slight_smile:


  • Each weapon should be scripted with different animations.
  • The weapons should function similarly to the roblox linked swords ( click to attack )
  • Each weapon will have different damages and swing times (ex. axes take longer to swing but deal more damage)
  • Each weapon should come with a “special attack” that can either be able to used when charged up or once every (x) seconds.


  • There should be 2-3 animations per weapon.
  • 1-2 animations will be default swings
  • 1 animation will be the special attack.

Gif captured from the game Sword Elites. Just an idea of what the animations should look like, with a trail following the weapons.

I can go more in detail for the animation / scripting tasks in dms or a separate document if needed. :slight_smile:

Payment :dollar:

Willing to pay up to around $2,500 ROBUX per weapon or around it’s USD equivalent, so $10 USD per weapon. Payment is negotiable however.

Due Date :spiral_calendar:

ASAP , before Friday the latest.

Contact :iphone:

Discord: davidd#9318
Friend me on discord if interested.
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello. I added you on Discord. MysteriouslyMythicaal#0001

Hello there ! I’m interested DeHarchy#4969 on discord

Hello! I am signsdev! I would like to apply, add me here on ty the platform.

Hello I can do both. I sent you message.

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Sent you a friend request on discord (Toothpaste)

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