[CLOSED] Looking for talented builder to work on medieval dungeon game [50K+]


I’m rokedev, you probably don’t know me. I’ve been a programmer on Roblox for about 2-3 years and an active user since 2012. I’m looking for a talented individual to help me and my partner bring the environment and aesthetic of our first title to life.

@rokedev - Lead Programmer / Creative Director
@The_Frame - UI Designer / Game Manager

About The Job

We’re looking for a motivated, and passionate developer who takes pride in their work and has a strong work ethic. Frequent updates on progress, screenshots, takes constructive criticism, etc, are all very valuable traits for this position.

We are looking for a lobby with several especially important NPC interaction points. We also need several individual assets built, such as walls, floors, doors, dungeon props, etc.

Style that we are looking for

unknown (1)

As an experienced developer, I only set soft deadlines for assets that are under development. Continue to show me that progress is being made, and only soft deadlines will be set.


We have a relatively large budget and can negotiate depending on the quality, experience, reliability, and many other factors of the individual.

Contact Us

You can contact me on Discord: roke#6820
Twitter: @rokedev
Or here on the DevForum.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I’m interested I sent you a friend request on discord!

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