Closed | Manager for Powered Entertainment

Hi there! We are Powered Entertainment, a small upcoming game development team who hopes to make a positive big impact. We’re looking for a manager who can manage our group with DMCA to organizing stuff.

@MrEthqn - Project Lead (Builder and other jobs)
@DevKeyRBLX - Lead Developer (Builder and other jobs)
@jjjbad / @callmehSpear - Lead Developer (UI Designer)
@Britain_9876 - Developer (Builder)
@variosonic - Developer (Animator)
@haka4life432 - Developer (Modeller and Builder)
@Mr_bokboy - Developer (Programmer)
@hiringSomewhereElse- 2D Artist
@COULDbeYOU - Manager

We are looking for a group manager with at least 3-6 months of experience. They must be able to have a good relationship with the team, and able to message ROBLOX kindly about any issues. You will need to be able to handle DMCA actions and organizing tasks for the group,

Example of our game's build style

We can decide a percentage price with the team.

This will be a percentage of revenue. A backup payment of around 5k is prepared.

You can contact us on Discord at callmehSpear#0001.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Stealing the banners will get your post removed.

Hi, I know I’m already a part of the team but I’d like to apply.

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Sorry but you are already part of the tram so you cannot apply.


Contacting you at the moment on: rai#4434.

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