(CLOSED) Module Script Creator Needed. Intermediate to Advanced. [$2000-3000R or $20-30 USD]

About the Job

Hello. I am hiring a scripter for a small one-time job! You will be creating a working Module script that handles Proximity Prompt based actions. There are only five proximity prompt actions that need to go into this script. All of the non-module scripts for these actions will be provided for you to make it easier, as well as an example and any other necessary assets.

The desired time to complete this job would be around 1 week, but the maximum is 2 weeks. Showing previous work would also help you to be chosen.

Desired Traits

  • Good communication.

  • 1yr of scripting experience.

  • Previous experience with Module Scripts.


The job will pay anywhere between 2k-3k Robux from group funds or $20-30 USD via PayPal based on your choice. You will be paid after the module script is proved to be working. If you wish to negotiate the price of your payment you may only do so BEFORE you accept the job.

Contact Us

You can contact me for more information either here on the Developer Forum, or on discord @ GoldenLoDev#9189

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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