Hi there! I’ve been on the Roblox platform for 9.5+ years and I’ve been programming on the platform for 8+ years. I’m someone who wants to create unimaginable experiences on Roblox that are purely made out of innovation and creativity. I can easily adapt to any frameworks or libraries your game might be using and even expand onto them. I work hard to ensure that I always deliver new and good content to games I work on and properly maintain the programming aspects of the game. If you’ve got any questions about me, feel free to ask them in private messages or on Discord direct messages.
I have experience in the following;
- GitHub, Gitlab & Rojo
- Trello & Jira
- Discord & Slack
- Knit Framework, ProfileService, Janitor, and many other open-sourced modules.
- Object-oriented programming.
- Writing organized, memory-safe, and efficient code.
- Optimizing already existing code and improving game performance.
- Finding and patching bugs & memory leaks.
- Working in a professional team environment.
- Managing the development of a game.
- Designing and innovating ideas for a game.
RDC 2022 ~ Virtual Attendee
RDC 2023 ~ Virtual Attendee
RDC 2024 ~ Virtual Attendee
The most amount of concurrent players a game I have worked on has had is 78,000+ concurrent users (CCU), that game was Pixel Piece.
Top CCU count per game:
Pixel Piece ~ 78,000+ concurrent users.
Steep Steps ~ 70,400+ concurrent users.
Tycoon RNG ~ 31,000+ concurrent users.
Area 02 ~ 3,300+ concurrent users.
Death Sandbox ~ 3,300+ concurrent users.
Deadly Decisions ~ 1,400+ concurrent users.
Boxing Fighters Simulator ~ 9,800+ concurrent users.
Fireball Punching Simulator ~ 5,000+ concurrent users.
I have contributed to 503,000,000+ visits (play sessions) [as per 21/07/2024] across all of the games I have worked on. Please keep in mind that this number keeps on increasing and that I will not update it frequently.
Part-time (I decide the hours):
Free-time (I decide the hours):
Apostrix Entertainment - Roblox ~ Studio Director & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Birdcage (Closed Community Perma-Death lore game) ~ Contributed by making a boat system & parachute system.
Tycoon RNG 99 - Roblox ~ Full-stack Programmer
steep steps - Roblox ~ Full-stack Programmer
SCP-F ︱Special Containment Procedures Foundation - Roblox ~ Manufacturing Site Director (Head of Development, QA & Lore), Full-stack Programmer
Pixel Piece_ - Roblox ~ Full-stack Programmer
Starcap Games ~ Full-stack Programmer
+1 Pet Per Second ~ Partner & Full-stack Programmer
Simply Games Studios ~ Full-stack Programmer
Bulk Games (CreepySins SCPF) ~ Studio Staff & Full-stack Programmer
Jandel’s Games ~ Full-stack Programmer
Jandel’s SILLY SATURDAYS ~ Full-stack Programmer
Jandel’s ICE CREAMER GAMERS ~ Full-stack Programmer
Hidden Developers ~ Project Lead & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Vault 52 ~ Lead Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Bearded’s SCPF ~ Full-stack Programmer
(When Vikinglaw owned it, under Final Blueprint) Hοly Rοman Empire - Roblox ~ Main Developer & Full-stack Programmer
Attack on Titan: Freedom Awaits - Roblox ~ Developer & Full-stack Programmer
SDS: Holy War [Community] - Roblox ~ Main Developer & Full-stack Programmer
[SCPF] :Special Containment Procedures Foundation: - Roblox ~ Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Zanance’s United States Army ~ Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
CreepySins SCPF ~ Manufacturing Department Programmer & UI Designer
‖SCP:F‖ Special Containment Facilities. - Roblox ~ Facility Engineer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Revlo Games (Tankattack9 Games - Roblox) ~ Full-stack Programmer
[U.S.]The United States Army - Roblox ~ Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
||UNSC||United Nations Space Command - Roblox ~ Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Rome - Roblox ~ Head Developer & Full-stack Programmer & UI Designer
Code Examples
Toggle Code Examples
Custom Networking Module (Client) - Pastebin.com
Custom Networking Module (Server) - Pastebin.com
Server-Sided Datastore Module - Pastebin.com
DraggableObject - Pastebin.com
Custom Camera - Pastebin.com
Video Examples
External Media External MediaSolo Game Examples
You can view games directly programmed by me entirely in the following games:
Game Examples
You can view my contributions in the following games:
When it comes to availability, I usually take a few hours at max on me to respond in Discord (assuming I’m not home), but if I’m home it usually takes a few minutes at max.
Every week, I put around 20-40 hours into development. I am currently on a year break before starting university studies so I am available most of the time I am awake.
I prefer being paid through group funds, but can accept USD in some cases.
The lists below are for when you want to hire me, exceptions are made almost all the time if I am the one applying to work for you!
Hourly rates, usually long-term (DevEx equivalent Robux, pay depends on difficulty rate):
Easy ~ 20-25$
Medium ~ 25-35$
Hard ~ 35-60$
Commission rates, usually short-term (price depends on difficulty rate):
Easy ~ 10,000-25,000 R$
Medium ~ 25,000 - 200,000 R$
Hard ~ 200,000-1,000,000 R$
Discord: mohhay#0
Devforum: MohhayScripts
Please keep in mind that this portfolio is still being improved and thanks for reading!