[CLOSED] Mountain Terrain Artist Needed

About Me

Hello! I am a single project leader and developer who can build fairly well. We are currently working on an upcoming mountain climbing game that is based on the real life mountain called K2. We are looking for one advanced terrain developer to build a mountain based on the real life K2.

The Team

@ReaperPure - Project Lead/Builder
@Lomanent - Game Designer
@you - Terrain Artist

About The Job

I am looking for a professional and experienced terrain artist to create a mountain. The game is based off of the real mountain, K2. So, I expect the terrain to look somewhat like the real mountain. The mountain will be 8,611 studs tall. Communication skills are needed and you are expected to fill me in on your progress daily.

Example of a similar mountain design (Mt.Everest)

Our game needs the mountain terrain finished in two weeks. However, if you feel as if it is not enough time, we are willing to add in a few days if needed.


The payment will be negotiable (3-4k+), but will be paid directly without percentage.

Contact Information

You can contact me on Discord if interested - ReaperPure#0001
Must be 13+ to apply.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know on Discord. Thanks for reading!


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